Causes of Body Stress?

Physical and/or Mechanical Stress

The body can naturally withstand a certain amount of physical force such as minor falls, jerks and bumps, If, however, the stress experienced is greater than the body’s ability to adapt, then the effects can become stored in the body as ‘body stress’. The causes may be abrupt and violent, such as a serious fall a car accident, or improperly lifting a heavy object. Milder mechanical stress can also gradually accumulate, such as from poor posture when sitting repeatedly for long periods, or performing exercises that put strain on the natural design of the body.

Mental and Emotional Stress

Mental and emotional stress may include financial concerns, fear of the future, workplace competition or strained family relationships to name a few. Occasionally, we experience sudden, intense emotions, such as shock or anger, or we can experience milder, ongoing mental stresses, such as depression, anxiety or resentment. As we become aware of these pressures the diaphragm, jaw, neck, and shoulders can tighten defensively to protect us from the onslaught of life’s stresses.

Chemical Stress

Air pollutants, insecticides, and specific food additives such as colorants, preservatives and artificial growth hormones may be sources of chemical stress. Toxic substances can be ingested, inhaled, and absorbed through the skin.
Chemical stress can manifest as severe headaches, nausea, skin abnormalities etc.

Body Stress Release Hermanus

Unlocking tension – Restoring self-healing

Body stress explained

Our bodies are self-healing and built to withstand the constant strains and stressors of daily life; in fact, not all stress is bad. For example, Olympic athletes must continuously push themselves, putting their bodies under a certain level of stress in order to perfect their technique and reach their full potential. We need a certain amount of stress in our lives to promote growth and development through repeated positive adaptations.
Yet, tension cannot be released normally when stress is extreme or continuous and interferes with immunity or sleep. The body begins to compensate, “splint,” or take defensive action in the form of muscle cramps, spasms, or decreased movement to minimize and avoid future harm.

As a result, the natural healing process is hampered, which could prevent us from working at our best. This in turn leads to increased stress. If we don’t give ourselves enough time to recover and rest, the “stress impact” intensifies. Because of this, action must be taken to stop this vicious cycle.

Body stress disrupts natural healing

Tension may be imbedded in the physical structures of the body when regular stressors and strains overwhelm. This gradual accumulation of physical stress causes pressure on the spinal nerves over time, which can cause symptoms like pain, numbness, headaches, weakness, stiffness, altered posture, and reduced functioning.
This muscular reaction is typically the body’s attempt to restrict movement or lessen joint, tendon, or tissue mobility.
The term “body stress” refers to this pent-up tension.
One may initially merely feel gradually worn out, but later on discomfort, stiffness, or numbness may start to develop. A steady deterioration in general health could be the outcome, however the impacts may differ.
Sometimes the level of internal stress is so high that even a minor movement can trigger a huge cascade of painful symptoms. To stimulate and restore normal functioning and break the cycle of stress overload and compensation, body tension needs to be discharged accurately and effectively.

Who needs BSR

Body Stress Release releases stress caused by physical, emotional/mental or chemical stress overload. It is appropriate for all ages, including infants and the elderly.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may be experiencing body stress:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Pins and Needles
  • Spasms
  • Numbness
  • Discomfort
  • Dizziness
  • A medical condition/illness
  • Constantly feeling listless and tired
  • Postural distortion
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of flexibility
  • Calf spasms
  • Burning or painful feet
  • Not feeling 100%
  • Emotional Stress

Body stress may exist without the individual actually experiencing any pain or stiffness; he or she may have just become accustomed to feeling less than 100 percent well.

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